Warner Bros.
I remember when the superhero movie explosion was first beginning, there was a debate around whether or not fatigue would kick in. That the comic book bubble would burst. As it ultimately turned out, as we head into the 13th year of the CBME (comic book movie era), the audience’s appetite is stronger than ever, as both of the major power players in the space — Marvel and DC — set to enter new eras of record output.
Over in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Disney is releasing 10 projects — both films and TV series on Disney+ — in 2021, and now, Warner Bros. has announced in a recent interview with the New York Times that they plan on releasing “up to four” films per year beginning in 2022.
The most expensive DC movies (up to four a year, starting in 2022) are designed for release in theaters, Mr. Hamada said. Additional superhero films (two annually is the goal, perhaps focused on riskier characters like Batgirl and Static Shock) will arrive exclusively on HBO Max, the fledgling streaming service owned by WarnerMedia.
In addition, DC Films, which is part of Warner Bros., will work with filmmakers to develop movie offshoots — TV series that will run on HBO Max and interconnect with their big-screen endeavors. [via New York Times]
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