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Bob Menery Discusses Dana White Getting Publicly Involved In His Nelk Boys Feud

Bob Menery and Dan Bilzerian
Bob Menery and Dan Bilzerian

Since he exploded as a social media personality in the golf space, comedian and podcaster Bob Menery has been moving through life a mile a minute.

The last time we saw Menery in the news was after his falling out with the Nelk Boys which culminated with Bob leaving the Full Send Podcast which he helped build from the ground up.

Menery spoke publicly about that split and his full explanation about leaving Full Send and fractured relationship with Nelk’s Kyle Forgeard is up for anyone to read. But something that hasn’t been spoken about too much is why Dana White got publicly involved and called out Bob Menery.

During a recent appearance on the Jaxxon Podcast, Bob Menery was asked why Dana White called him out. The ‘calling out’ refers to last October when the Bob Menery vs. Nelk Boys feud was boiling over.

At the time, Menery shared a video of people complimenting his Full Send and Nelk Boys work that included a clip of Dana White. Afterward, Dana White posted a profane message to his Instagram Stories that read:

“Enjoy your show my ‘friend.’ @bobmenery Keep me out of your crybaby b——–. You are an absolute p— and I told u that and u are delusional and blew the biggest opportunity of ur life now move on like a big boy. Yes u introduced me and @kyle then f——- cried about it forever so I gave u 50k. So u would STFU so now STFU. It’s embarrassing.”

it seemed a bit odd at the time but Bob Menery is now explaining why Dana White got involved in his Jaxxon Podcast appearance:

Bob Menery On Why Dana White Publicly Called Him Out

In the full YouTube clip, Menery elaborates a bit further. Here is the video with full quotes below:

Bob Menery: “Why did Dana White call me out?… It was a surprise to me, whatever. This is when me and Kyle (Forgeard) were going at it online and I decided to just go nuclear, of course.”

Bear Degidio: “By the way I think Dana White is the greatest chairman/executive of any sports organization the world has ever seen. What he’s done to UFC, transitioned it to one of the greatest sports organizations in the world. So I do believe that we got to give Dana (White) credit.”

“So I think if he did call you out it was for a good reason. I want to make that very clear.

Bob Menery: “No, it wasn’t. I love Dana. We talk almost every day. Dana’s a great dude. He did not call me out for a good reason.”

“Dana is a great man, he’s done amazing things, he’s done fantastic things for me and everybody that I know. My family and all that. The only thing is, it wasn’t really his place to get involved. It was me and Kyle going back and forth.”

“But I think the reason why he obviously kind of spoke up was because he obviously has some business ties with them. Which is fine. But also at the same time he just thought I was being a p—-.”

“He was like ‘if you’re going to do anything just do it legally behind the scenes and stop being a f—— p—- and crying on the Internet all day.‘”

“And I’m like first of all, that’s just sometimes what I do. That’s just where I’m from, my vocal. Take it how you want. But at the end of the day I was pissed off. I was betrayed. I was let down by these guys and that just drove me through a wall.”

So in Bob Menery’s own words, the reason Dana White called him out publicly about the $50,000 is because Dana White thought Menery should handle being ousted from Full Send legally and not go on the Internet and cry about it.

Shortly after they talk about Dana White calling out Bob Menery, they then discuss how Bob knew Dana prior to joining Nelk and how he opened the door for them with Dana.

Overall, the interview is fascinating. Watch it in full here:

The post Bob Menery Discusses Dana White Getting Publicly Involved In His Nelk Boys Feud appeared first on BroBible.


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