Following up on the incredible success of their two previous videos: “Gay Men Touch Boobs For The First Time” and “Lesbians Touch A Penis For The First Time” YouTubers Bria and Chrissy are back with yet another winner.
Today we get to witness gay men touching a vagina for the very first time. And yes, it goes about how one would expect: hilariously.
One man says he’s worried about falling into it or perhaps losing a finger.
The comparisons they make are equally as funny with the vagina being referred to as a “furry Star Trek alien,” a “partially deflated balloon” and a “closet door with some curtains poking out.”
Another man even asks if you can keep snacks down there.
All in all though it was a very well-done video full of comical reactions and even a little bit of, oh no, education. Check it out…
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