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Ilana Glazer Puts A Creeper On Blast Who Picks Up Women By Telling Them He Writes For ‘Broad City’

A friend of a friend would constantly tell women at bars he was the back-up goalie for the Philadelphia Flyers. This was back when the answer to all life’s questions wasn’t on a phone. It worked a majority of the time, except for once when the Flyers were playing and on a TV at the bar.

It wasn’t the best pick-up but it worked enough for him to use it numerous times.

You go with what works, which is probably why this guy was going around telling women he wrote for Broad City.

Illana Glazer, a co-creator and star of the show who also probably does all the hiring, wanted to let the women of the world know he’s full of shit. She did, naturally, in a hilarious rant.

On Wednesday night, Glazer reportedly strolled into a Lower East Side bar to work on some material for her weekly comedy show when she dropped the bombshell that a “creeper” by the name of Zach Jobin has been picking up women under false pretense, reports Oh No They Didn’t. According to Glazer, Jobin took a picture with her and fellow castmate Abbi Jacobson back in 2014 and has been using that as proof he’s friends with them and works on the show. She then cleared things up by reminding everyone that the show’s staff is strictly a female affair.

Here’s audio of Illana setting everything straight.


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