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Did Leonardo DiCaprio Get Kicked Out Of Disney Waterpark For Whipping His Piece Out And Peeing Down A Slide?

We’ve all been completely messed up from recreational drugs or a night of irresponsible binge drinking and then done something very, very regrettable in our youth. It sounds as though Leonardo DiCaprio just like us degenerates.

Imgur user royrogersdoublerbarburger claims to have been a lifeguard at a Disney World resort.

He posted a collection of stories and memes from when he worked at Disney World from 1998-2001. There were unconfirmed rumors of Joe Perry dressed in a sexy man-kini speedo and feather boa combo “being a dick” and taking bottles and food into the pool as well as Ian Ziering overestimating his celebrity status and not taking pics with fans. I already don’t believe this lifeguard; Ian Ziering doesn’t have fans. There was also an alleged tale of DiCaprio putting the “P” in “Pool.”

A-List “Jerk” Celebrity: Leonardo DiCaprio. He pissed down the water slide. This requires a little backstory.

I’m dating myself here, but does anyone remember the “Wanna Be A VJ” MTV contest from back in the day? The first one, where Dave Holmes LOST to Jesse Camp? (but ended up getting a gig anyway).

Well, don’t ask me how, but Leo and Jesse became buds, and they ended up coming to the pool on a bender. Reeked of alcohol, huge entourage, jumped in with their clothes on, went down the slide with their spiked belts (scratching it up) and then Leo whipped it out and pissed into the top of the slide, then went down the slide. They refused to listen to anyone and Security finally came and escorted them off, cursing.

Oh we can only hope that before his piss party that he stood up on the top of the slide and screamed, “I’M KING OF THE WORLD!”

Maybe he was method acting as his drug-fueled debaucherous character Jordan Belfort from Wolf of Wall Street, a decade before the movie?

This was from the Leo’s days when he was a member of the “Pussy Posse,” so it’s quite conceivable.

Well, DiCaprio is a environmentalist, so going to the bathroom and flushing would contribute to clean water consumption. Whereas whipping your dick out and whizzing in the pool has no environmental consequences, it just makes little kids jealous, gets you kicked out of a Disney resort and puts you at risk for being arrested for indecent exposure.



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