Look – Love him or hate him, we all have *that* friend named Bennett or Roland who summers in Nantucket, the Vineyard, Kennebunkport, or the Hamptons, partying his face off with Instagram models on a Boston Whaler all summer. They drive a Rover or a Beamer and probably played lacrosse at a NESCAC or Patriot league school.
And they dress ridiculous, like someone who maxed a couple of credit cards buying out a Brooks Brothers catalog.Or maybe they’re from a preppy Southern family and named Chadwick, calling Charleston or Savannah home but strategically planning their summer vacations around Widespread Panic runs in Telluride or Mississippi.
You get the point: You know people that need these shorts. Inspired by the Nantucket lifestyle, Castaway’s American Flag Cisco Shorts screams “I LOVE AMERICA!” and “my dad’s a lawyer!” They’re the ultimate American flag shorts.
It’s the perfect outfit for whatever star-spangled debauchery you have planned for the 4th of July.
Folks – These American flag shorts might be the most Bro shorts ever created.
Go buy them for yourself or your obnoxious friend named Madison before they sell-out for the summer at South Moon Under. These will be gone until next year by mid-June. Trust.
The BroBible team writes about gear that we think you want. Occasionally, we write about items that are a part of one of our affiliate partnerships, and we will get a percentage of the revenue from sales.