Here at BroBible, our mission is to tell you about products and stories to make your life more chill. Whether it’s an Every Day Carry essential, new wristwatch, or a modern take on the alarm clock, some of our favorite products in the world start as Kickstarter inventions.
That’s why we’re starting a new Thursday column here at BroBible: Cool On Kickstarter, here to tell you about all the latest and greatest in Kickstarter inventions.
If you have a product on the crowdfunding platform that you think should be featured, get in touch:
There aren’t a lot of great tents out there that you can turn into badass, multi-room mobile lodges. Sure, Ozark Trail and Coleman makes a few big tents you can buy on Amazon. But they’re cumbersome monsters compared to a tent system like the Crua Clan. In a nutshell, it’s the ultimate lightweight hiking tent + insulated cocoon (…that keeps you cooler in the summer and warmer on those chilly nights) + air-framed living space. It’s lightweight and designed as a system of tents that attach to each other to create the ultimate portable cabin in the middle of the wilderness. Not only does the Crua Cocoon system keep you cool in the summer and warm in the winter, it muffles noise and blocks light, giving you the perfect tent to sleep in — Especially at a rowdy music festival.
We live in a world where you light bulbs can connect to an app on your iPhone, so why not your night light? ZING is basically the Nest of night lights — You can adjust the color of the LED glow and times it turns on. As a system of three, it provides path lighting in the dark through your house — Perfect for ensuring that you never run into that damn antique dresser in your hallway ever again.