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John Oliver Shared Some Amazing ‘Last Week Tonight’ Outtakes And You Ever See Paul Giamatti Dressed Like A Mango?

It’s seriously a travesty that we have to wait until mid-February for John Oliver to rejoin the Sunday night TV rotation when Last Week Tonight returns for season three.

Luckily, Oliver and his team of writers and superb graphic makers know no reprieve, and plan to dish out some comedy for the fans in the interim leading up to the return of the show.

That’s great news for you and me.

Can and point, this hilarious compilation of graphics which didn’t make the show for one reason or another, but are downright fantastic in their own right. Ever see Paul Giamatti sporting a mango costume, or a condom emblazoned with Pope Francis’ portrait? Didn’t think so. Up until now, that is…

Man, I can’t wait for Last Week Tonight to return to the airwaves Sunday, February 14th, at its usual 11:00 p.m. on HBO. No better comedic takes on the news out there right now, and if you wanna argue that, we can fight (for charity, of course).

[h/t Esquire]


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