For those of you who’ve had sex, I heard there are a number of things that can make it awkward–from penis paranoia to one’s insistence on playing Clay Aiken’s debut album in the background. Sex is just as much about overcoming the speed bumps as it is about pure pleasure. ‘Is she enjoying this?’ ‘Does she mind me sweating all over her?
’ ‘My triceps are getting tired in missionary.’ ‘I should talk dirty.’ ‘I’m never talking dirty again.’ These are all hurdles men must overcome to be the best lovers they can be, and some men will go to their graves thinking about that dirty talk that fell on deaf ears.The Twitter hashtag #MakeSexAwkwardIn5Words is trending on the world wide web today, and although I’m usually not a big fan of these hashtag things, this one hit too close to home to not share with you bros. Enjoy.