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NFL Legend Lawrence Taylor Supports Donald Trump At Rally & Some People Are Furious

NFL legend Lawrence Taylor has ruffled some feathers by showing support for Donald Trump.

On Saturday, Trump held a rally in New Jersey, and the NY Giants great came out to endorse the former President for the upcoming elections.

“I grew up a Democrat, and I’ve always been a Democrat until I met this man right here.

“Nobody in my family will ever vote for a Democrat again.”

It is worth noting that Trump has personally known Taylor since he played with the Giants.

Of course, it didn’t take long for people to become angry with Taylor for endorsing Trump.

Expect a lot more athletes to get criticized when they choose to endorse a certain candidate ahead of the election in Novemner.

The post NFL Legend Lawrence Taylor Supports Donald Trump At Rally & Some People Are Furious appeared first on BroBible.


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