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TikTok is the wild, wild West of the internet. The internet can be considered a free-for-all in general, but TikTok really allows you to manifest your own destiny and discover a way of life that is unbeknown to many. Of those many discoveries, you stumble on some pretty incredible people.
There’s the beekeeper from Texas who scoops hundreds and hundreds of bees with her bare hands, people finding nasty things in their food, all kinds of doctors, “Gas Station Karen,” and Papa John. Oh AND there’s us, BroBible, who you should absolutely be following if you aren’t already!I was most recently introduced to the world of #BatonTok, a sector of TikTok for baton twirling— and I couldn’t be more glad. It is the most exhilarating, mesmerizing thing that you will see today. I am vaguely familiar with baton twirling after spending four years at an SEC school and watching them during pregame and halftime performances, but I didn’t know just how insane it can get.
While there are all kinds of personalities in the world of baton twirling, two people in particular appear to own the majority share of virality on TikTok, and deservedly so. Let’s look first at Karrissa Wimberley. She is an International Champion Baton Twirler from Tallahassee, who attended both Florida State and Georgia, presumably twirling or dancing at both schools.
I would qualify her style of baton twirling (mind you, I know nothing about the sport? performing art? both?) as the more traditional practice. With that being said, she and her Intrepid Baton Twirling team are anything but traditional with their wild tricks and ability to incorporate trending songs and dances into their routines. Just watch how many times she spins on this first one. I’ve tried to count, but I think it’s seven times around? Just a casual 1820 while the baton is in the air:
@kwim11 And sometimes…you just have to be silly
#PlayBaton #BatonTwirling dc: @rony_boyy #TikTokTwirling #LaughAtYourself #Baton #Twirling #GetSilly
And look how ridiculously high these two toss the baton, just grabbing it mid-twirl like it’s nothing:
@kwim11 TikTok meet my brother – we played the game of who can toss higher… #PlayBaton #SiblingRivalry #BatonTwirler #Brother #TikTokTwirling @seanwim1
Some of her other tricks are downright difficult, but she makes them look so easy. You won’t want to stop scrolling.
@kwim11 5 baton – Just tryin to be like @joelclaudiotwirl
#PlayBaton #BatonTwirling #fyp #foryou #juggling #TikTokTwirling #VictoryLap
@kwim11 New 3 baton trick
Woot! #PlayBaton #BatonTwirling #TikTokTwirling #Juggling #Flowarts #fyp #Baton #Twirling #FancyFeet
@kwim11 Flip it & reverse it #PlayBaton #putmythingdownflipitandreverseit #BatonTwirling #Baton #Twirling #TikTokTwirling #Scary #juggling #fyp
@kwim11 Walking into a three day weekend like…
my niece was so excited to show off her footwork
#PlayBaton DC: ???
#BatonTwirling #Baton
The other performer who dominates the TikTok side of baton twirling is Hidetaka Nishigaki. If Wimberley is traditional, I’d qualify him as more of a freestyle twirler. But again, what do I know, other than that they’re both awesome. Anyway, Nishigaki hails from Japan and brings the funk. Look at this insanity:
@gakky_hide まだ上に行けるのかも
#限界チャレンジ #挑戦 #batontwirling #自分磨き
I mean seriously, how does someone move like that, pull his/herself together and then proceed to catch a spinning baton. Wild. Here are some more of his highlights:
@gakky_hide 地面から見ると何か怖いね
#エモ動画 #綺麗な空 #batontwirling #不細工注意 #フォロワー様に感謝 #ありがとう
@gakky_hide 技やりゃ良いってもんでもないね
#挑戦 #batontwirling #自分磨き #頑張る
♬ Aphrodite (Contains music from Dark Horse – Katy Perry) – The Plastique Tiara
I fell down this rabbit hole for hours, and I’m not sure I ever want to get out. Enjoy some of the other twirlers who simply blew my mind:
@lifeof_lex a little rough but finally got the 5 baton goin!! #batontwirling #BakingSzn #RoomTour #olemiss
@whyhatemelvin Morning exercise!
#foryoupage #fyp #melbabes #baton #batontwirling