Man vs. Egg. A battle that has been raging for centuries.
Brought to the forefront thanks to a fantasy football punishment so cruel, it cost one man his girlfriend.
@cohen489 I mostly date to content farm at this point (jk i actually have a lot of thoughts about the ethics of posting abt casual relationships on this app but i think this one’s fine, nobody send it to them) #fyp #dating #men
TikTok Rachel Cohen posted a video earlier this month revealing that an ex-boyfriend of hers competed in a fantasy football league where the last-placed finisher had to eat as many eggs in a day as years they are old.
Cohen added that this was not in a 24-hour span, but rather in a normal, waking day. She also noted that everyone in the league was in their late-20’s to early-30’s. Her ex had lost the league the year prior and apparently was paralyzed with fear when Nick Chubb went out injured.
Now, Cohen says she and this guy broke up before finding out whether he came in last. But she says that all of the men in her life were confident that they could complete the egg challenge without issue.
Naturally, that got the fine folks of the internet and BroBible dot com talking.
I am a 31-year-old man and most of the staff here ranges from their late 20s to late 30s. Almost everyone was convinced that they could easily house the necessary number of eggs.
“You wouldn’t feel great,” Editor-in-Chief Cass Anderson said. ” But if you actually had to hunker down and do it and you made a point of working out hard between I think it is very manageable.”
While Deputy Editor Connor Toole made a fair point to ask what type of eggs we’re talking?
If we’re going NeoPets giant omelette style, that might be tough. But if it can be broken down into several small meals, now we’re talking.
I could could absolutely house 31 deviled eggs in a day. In fact, that’s basically just Easter with my ex-girlfriend’s family. But if I had to have 31 scrambled eggs I’m not sure I’m feeling so hot.
Sports editor Jorge Alonso was the most confident about it.
“Feel like I can eat a 32 egg omelette in one sitting,” he said.
Consider me skeptical.
Mike Golic Jr. of DraftKings Network had no doubt.
sorry to this woman but I could absolutely eat 34 eggs in a day. wouldn't feel great the next day but this would not be hard.
— Mike Golic Jr (@mikegolicjr)
Though CBS Sports’ Shehan Jeyarajah was a little more realistic.
Listen you’re a former lineman so I will not doubt you…
But I think most of us would get to 15, feel pretty good… and then realize we’re not even halfway done.
— Shehan Jeyarajah (@ShehanJeyarajah)
Some men are just built different, apparently.
Was on my own for dinner other night with GF at holiday party:
9 eggs, 1 lb Black Forest Ham, half an onion, 1/3 bag Trader Joe’s hashbrowns.
Consumed in about 8 minutes, still hungry after
34 eggs would be nothing
— StraightTalkSports (@StraightTalkSp1)
But that is a whole lot of eggs.
The post Fantasy Football Punishment Has Men Deep In Debate Over Eating Massive Amounts Of Eggs appeared first on BroBible.