As millions of people travel across the country ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday, those who fly over Las Vegas will get to see the ‘Sphere’ become a giant glowing ball of dough, tomatoes and cheese. Pizza Hut is turning the world’s most viral entertainment venue into a pizza.
Yes, it is an advertisement.
Yes, it will still make for a pretty cool visual.Here is a rendering of the campaign:

Current advertising rates for the Sphere are out of this world, so Pizza Hut paid a pretty penny to takeover the exosphere. The ‘Pie in the Sky’ campaign is to plug the restaurant chain’s new $7 Deal Lover’s Menu.
As part of the promotion, those near the Sphere on Tuesday will be able to scan a QR code and receive a free medium pizza while supplies last from the hours of 5:30-9:30 p.m. PST. Basically, if you are in Sin City and want to get a free dinner, head over to the Venetian.
How do you remind the entire country you just launched a $7 Deal Lover’s Menu? You launch a giant Pie in the Sky in Las Vegas. Knowing a lot of pizza lovers will be traveling across the country on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, we wanted to turn our new $7 Deal Lover’s Menu into our biggest deal yet. We turned Sphere into a giant pizza as a fun way to remind fans about our new value menu that offers our iconic dishes for an affordable price without sacrificing quality.
— Pizza Hut chief marketing officer Lindsay Morgan
To say that Pizza Hut has “iconic dishes” is definitely a stretch, but everybody loves pizza! Especially when it is free.
Even for those who are not able to get in on the promotion, getting to see the Sphere become a 580,000-square foot ball of pizza is going to be pretty cool. Quite a few companies have ponied up the dough (pun intended) to advertise on the new venue and none of them have missed.
It is really hard to make the Sphere uncool. Hopefully Pizza Hut is not the first to do so!
The pressure is on for pizza’s takeover of Las Vegas to live up to expectations. Be sure to take a peak out of the window if you are one of the hundreds thousands hundreds of thousands of people to fly over Nevada on Tuesday night. Keep an eye out for the extremely expensive glowing ball of pizza!
The post The Sphere In Las Vegas Transforms Into Extremely Expensive Ball Of Pizza For One Night Only appeared first on BroBible.