More bad news for one of America’s most notoriously shitty fraternities. The SAE chapter at Yale University was accused of hosting a ‘white girls only’ party and turning away people of color.
The frat denies the accusation.
It began with a girl posting a story about it on Facebook. Via Total Frat Move:
I’d just like to take a moment to give a shoutout to the member of Yale’s SAE chapter who turned away a group of girls from their party last night, explaining that admittance was on a “White Girls Only” basis; and a belated shoutout to the SAE member who turned me and my friends away for the same reason last year.
God Bless the USA**If you think that I am lying, I urge you to read the comments below and see the ridiculousness that other students have experienced on this campus. If anyone reading this has experienced or witnessed a similar situation, PLEASE reach out/share your story below/ANYTHING.
That ain’t good because that’s racist and illegal. Oh and also because SAE at Yale is already suspended from campus for violating the school’s sexual misconduct policies. Oh and because it’s racist and illegal. People chimed in on the post to say they has similar experiences.
The Dean of Student Engagement at Yale, Burgwell Howard, reached out to the ladies who claimed they were turned away, and they sent him this story in an email.
The student was with two friends in the crowd in front of the house on Friday evening, hoping to enter the party, but brothers were “standing directly in the door frame and picking people one at a time from the crowd clumped right near the door,” according to the student’s email to Howard.
It was then, the student said, that one friend — who is a woman of color — heard a brother say “White girls only,” directed at another woman of color who was trying to enter.
The chapter’s president had this to say.
Yale SAE President Grant Mueller ’17 said he has been in contact with Yale administrators and representatives from SAE’s national organization about the incident to repudiate charges that SAE members engaged in racist behavior when deciding whom to admit to the party.
“Obviously I was shocked and flabbergasted [at the idea] that anyone in SAE would even have these words come from their mouths,” Mueller said. “It’s just kind of upsetting for me because we try to be so incredibly accepting and take pride in our diversity.”
[Via The Yale Daily News]