I don’t understand why anyone feels the need to bully kids with disabilities. Well, actually, I do understand why. It’s because some people are so insecure, they have to belittle people who they view as inferior in order to reaffirm to themselves that they are better than everyone else. (I’ve been waiting almost two years to finally put to use those four psychology course I took in college.
) Like, these people are already batting a thousand in life. No need to dump a kid out of his wheelchair just to show everyone that you have two legs that work. So this story about a bunch of bullies in Omaha dumping a deaf kid’s backpack into a toilet is really pissing me off.Via Daily Mail:
“Alex Hernandez, of Omaha’s Burke High School, had his backpack taken during lunch Wednesday, including his tablet,debit card, school supplies and English homework, KMTV reported. He later found his stuff in a school toilet — completely ruined. Alex Hernandez, of Omaha’s Burke High School, had his backpack taken during lunch Wednesday, including his tablet,debit card, school supplies and English homework, KMTV reported.
He later found his stuff in a school toilet — completely ruined.
‘Those students think it’s OK to bully a deaf student, but it’s not,’ added Hernandez, who’s been deaf since he was one-year-old.
‘It’s not OK to bully someone who is disabled, deaf or hard of hearing — or anyone for that matter.’
Hernandez says he’s been bullied for his disability before, but this is the first time he feels unsafe going to school.
‘This just got out of hand,’ he told KMTV. ‘There’s too much bullying, too much drama, too much fighting. It’s just not nice.’
School officials have identified the students involved in the bullying. One has been suspended, the other is still being investigated.
‘We take these kind of situations very seriously,’ a rep for Omaha Public Schools told KMTV. Friends set up a crowd-funding page and raised $830 to replace Hernandez’s school supplies.”
Fuck those kids. Fuck them right in the face. I’m considering starting a second GoFundMe page where we can raise money to buy Hernandez a bat so he can pop some kneecaps. Granted, that may not do much in terms of ending the cycle of bullying, but I’m blinded by anger right now. I’m not thinking clearly.