When it comes to you, a family member, or a friend’s graduation, promotion, engagement, or anything in between, when life is good it calls for a proper celebration. What’s one thing every special occasion needs? Alcohol! With the Robb Vice Luxury Celebration Box Set, get a sparkling bottle of champagne, a high-quality liqueur, and a saber to commemorate every special occasion for a beautiful time.
This box set of quality potables and saber make every special event more luxurious for everyone’s enjoyment. Brandish the artisan stainless steel saber, give the Robb Vices Reserve Sparkling Wine bottle a whack, and christen the good times with some premium pours of this precious drink. Then, add The House of Gabriel Boudier Creme De Cassis De Dijon liqueur to cocktails, salads, desserts, and more to treat everyone’s taste palette with remarkably decadent flavor.
On top of all that, you’ll also learn a great deal about food and drink thanks to this box’s included reading materials. You’ll learn about the history of the saber and the proper way to open bottles, so you can impress your family and friends with your newfound skills. Even better, the free booklet helps you easily discover food and cocktail recipes, especially ones perfect with your new bottle of liqueur.
Celebrate any special occasion the right way with a Robb Vices Luxury Celebration Box Set for $128.99 in The BroBible Shop. That’s 46% off the original price of $240.
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