Aaron Hernandez is currently on trial for murder and if you’re having deja vu, it is warranted. The former New England Patriots tight end was convicted of killing his pot dealer, Odin Lloyd, execution style in June of 2013. He was sentenced to life in prison.
The 27-year-old is now being tried for the a double-murder of Cape Verde immigrants Daniel de Abreu and Safiro Furtado in July 2012 outside a Boston nightclub.
Prosecutors claim that a drive-by shooting took place after de Abreu bumped into Hernandez at a nightclub, spilling a drink. Video from outside the club shows Hernandez angry and agitated because Hernandez viewed this as a sign of immense disrespect, prosecutors said. He allegedly opened fire on their car as they waited at a stoplight, killing both men and wounding a third.The trial is currently underway now and is expected to take 4-6 weeks before the jury decides on a verdict. Although the trial is in its infancy stages, information about how deranged Hernandez is is touted by the prosecution.
Prosecution claims that Hernandez said “Yo, what’s up now, n****,” before firing at a vehicle with Daniel de Abreu and Safiro Furtado inside, reports CNN.
After Hernandez fired five shots into the car, he then allegedly gloated to an associate about his aim. He looked over to his driver, Alexander Bradley, and said braggingly “I got one in the chest, I got one in the head.”
The defense is milking the fact that there is no scientific evidence that ties Hernandez to this case and the prosecutors are leaning on the testimony of Bradley, who is a convicted drug trafficker who has lied to police in the past.
Bradley turned on Hernandez after a trip to Florida in February 2013 where, according to prosecutors, the two spotted several white men in suits at a club, and Hernandez said that they were law enforcement.
“Yeah, they probably are and probably because of the effed up stuff you did in Boston last summer,” Bradley allegedly said.
That comment enraged Hernandez to the point that he shot Bradley in the head and dumped him in a parking lot less than 24 hours later. Bradley miraculously survived and now is the main dude testifying against his former friend.
And to think I was once rooting for this sociopath on a football field. Shame on me.
[h/t CNN]