In April, Johnny Crow’s father died unexpectantly from a heart attack. It was Johnny’s birthday this week and it would be a tragically difficult one without his dear dad there. However, before Johnny’s dad passed away, he had already purchased a very special birthday present for his son.
Johnny’s sister, Chandler Mae Crow, posted on her Facebook how she picked him up from school, blindfolded him, and drove him to Port Huron Music Center in Port Huron, Michigan to receive his extremely special birthday gift.
So today is my little brothers 16th birthday, and his first birthday without our dad. But, dad was always filled with surprises. About a month ago I dropped Johnny off at his guitar lesson, and one of the amazing instructors told me there was something I should see. When she showed me I just dropped to my knees, I just couldn’t believe it. But I had to keep it a secret until his birthday. So this morning I woke up and picked up my brother from school and blindfolded him. Drove him to the music center and this is the outcome. A big thank you goes out to the Port Huron Music Center , who helped keep my dads dream alive. Happy 16th birthday buddy. Dad is so proud of you. I love you more than words can describe.
Then came time for the big reveal and it was spectacular.
Inside the box was a brand new Dean Razorback Dimebag axe in classic black.
“I was definitely overjoyed that my father gave me one last thing to remember him by,” Johnny told The Times Herald. “I know a lot of kids don’t get that. I discovered music and it was amazing how it made me feel. It made that sadness go away, it made me more like my father who I so inspired to be.”
After the emotional video went viral, Chandler Crow posted a great message on her Facebook that said, “Hey Dad, guess what? Over 3 MILLION people know how amazing of a father you are. We miss you so much.”