— Haley Byrd (@byrdinator) March 2, 2017
It’s been another tumultuous week of D.C. politics, with a report of Donald Trump’s Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, meeting with Russian ambassadors and denying it during his confirmation hearing. But screw all that national security noise — Trump’s newly appointed Department of the Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke just pulled the ultimate FLEX in D.
C. by RIDING TO HIS FIRST DAY OF WORK ON A HORSE LIKE WYATT EARP.The 23-year former US Navy SEAL from Whitefish, Montana went full Wild West on D.C. Is there a bigger first-day-on-the-job power move ever?
He’ll oversee the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement and the National Park Service, along with managing US Federal lands.
— BSEE (@BSEEgov) March 2, 2017
— Secretary Ryan Zinke (@SecretaryZinke) March 2, 2017