Our joy will turn to ashes when Game of Thrones ends in only 13 episodes. But thank the Old Gods and the New! Our hopes, dreams, and prayers for a Game of Thrones spinoff have been answered! And there is a possibility that we could get multiple spinoffs!
HBO is working on four different spinoffs of the massively successful fantasy show to “explore different time periods of George R.
R. Martin’s vast and rich universe.” They have already hired four writers to develop possible spinoffs, prequels or sequels.Game of Thrones creator and author George R.R. Martin will work with Goldman and Wray, which means he’ll never finish any more books.
But don’t get too excited just yet because this sounds like it will be many winters before the projects see the light of day.
“There is no set timetable for these projects,” the network said. “We’ll take as much or as little time as the writers need and, as with all our development, we will evaluate what we have when the scripts are in.”
HBO did not verify that they would definitely pick up any of the spinoffs let alone all four.