Bros, I’m running on empty this morning. I went to Wrestlemania 33 last night in Orlando, my first brush with wrasslin’ and the WWE since I was in middle school. I didn’t get home until around 4am last night/this morning, and now I’m back awake and blogging at 8am on a Monday morning, so it’s going to be a long ass day.
You can check out all the action from last night on the @BroBible Instagram ‘story’ where I uploaded a shit ton of videos all night, or you can just jump straight to the Eminem x Smash Mouth mashup.The only reason I’m rambling on about Wrasslemañia 33 is because I wanted to illustrate how fucking tired I am, yet how hyped this Eminem x Smash Mouth mashup just got me. This is the mashup the world deserves but didn’t know it needed until now. I’m feeling hyped AF right now despite running on 3 and a half hours of sleep.