Can you believe it’s already been over two years since pizza rat? That’s when a rat in New York City dragged a slice of pizza that was more than twice its size down a flight of stairs and into the subway. Some have suggested that Philly’s pizza squirrel is a greater pizza-loving rodent. Now two new animal sensations emerge from the darkness to show that they will fight to the death for human food.
If any silly Instagram video encapsulates the struggle of trying to survive in New York City it is this short clip of two rats fighting over a French fry. Instagram user Seth Salcedo witnessed the two rats engaged in a brutal deathmatch for the carbohydrate stick at the 14th Street L station. ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED!?!?!
However, in the end, there can be only one. The stronger of the two rats wins the epic tug-of-war and runs off with his cherished prize, but not without the loser chasing after the victor. Apparently, these two city rats didn’t read a new scientific study that highlighted how unhealthy French fries are and actually recommended eating two burgers instead of one burger and a side of French fries.