Logan Paul is turning his attention to Conor McGregor in the latest twist in his ongoing feud with part-time MMA fighter and full-time online troll, Dillon Danis.
Paul and Danis are scheduled to step into a boxing ring together on Oct. 14.
But before the two actually square off, Danis has made it a point to harass Paul on social media by repeatedly sharing salacious pictures, videos and stories about Paul’s fiancee, Nina Agdal.
Paul insists he’s not fazed by Danis’ actions, and that his opponent is just try to sell the fight. But he did recently express his disappointment in Danis’ training partner, Conor McGregor.
“This mother f—– kind of disappoints me, because I grew up really liking Conor McGregor,” Paul said Monday on Andrew Schultz’s Flagrant podcast. “He’s so entertaining, he’s so good. When he fought Floyd [Mayweather], come on, that was like the most exciting sports event ever. I was pumped for it. And now that we’re kind of, in some weird, roundabout way, crossing paths — or he’s training Dillon and Dillon’s the guy I’m fighting and I have an opportunity to open a dialogue with him — he’s kind of just disappointed me as a superstar. Just because of his drug problems, the way he doesn’t commit to anything, the way he doesn’t back up anything he says. The way he’s all bark, no bite.
“These things bother me. I get why he’s friends with Dillon, bro. They’re both bad people. They’re scumbags. The word Jake [Paul] used to describe Dillon is ‘evil,’ and I said, ‘You know what? I that’s actually true.’ He’s an evil, rotten soul. I don’t know if heaven exists, I don’t know if hell exists. I’d like to believe heaven exists, but if hell exists, Dillon Danis f—— belongs there. Rotten, vile, evil, grotesque, putrid human being, and I can see why he’s friends with Conor. So bro, I challenged Conor, I was like, ‘You’re going to train Dillon for the fight? OK, I bet you a $1 million. I bet you $1 million that I beat your fighter. Radio silence.”
Paul then took it a step further, asking McGregor to wager on the fight with Danis.
“Conor, you know what, I’ll tell you what, Mr. Moneybags, I’m going to make this more interesting for you,” he said. “How about we double it? $2 million. $2 million says I beat your boy Dillon Danis. I know you’re going to see this. I know you’re going to see this clip. You’re coaching him, you’re guiding him, he’s definitely going to show up, right? F— you. Both of you are all bark, no bite. $2 million that says I beat you boy, I will send you the contract tomorrow. He’s not going to respond. All bark, no bite, both of them.”
But he doesn’t expect McGregor to answer.
“Because he knows the outcome,” Paul said. “Why would anyone think that Dillon Danis could beat me? Why? No one sees him in Bellator and is like, ‘That dude can strike.’ He won by a toehold in one of his wins. Like, how does that work? You just hold the toe?”
McGregor has yet to issue a response.
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