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Yankees Announcer Drilled By Foul Ball In The Dome, Takes It Like A Champ And Calls The Final Out (Video)

Announcers John Sterling and Michael Kay in the booth at a Yankees game.
Announcers John Sterling and Michael Kay in the booth at a Yankees game.

Yankees announcer John Sterling left a game with a strawberry over the weekend after getting struck in the forehead by a foul ball. Audio of the bizarre play had previously made its way around social media.

Now, we have video to match it.

The incident came with two outs in the ninth inning of a matchup between the Yankees and Red Sox. On the play, Boston slugger Justin Turner popped a 3-2 pitch foul behind the plate.

, you hear Sterling detail the pop up while thinking very little of the ball being hit in his direction. Then, a loud clunk and subsequent “Ow!” from the man in the booth.

While Sterling seemed to be in a bit of pain, that audio doesn’t do him justice.

That foul ball caught him right in the head, ricocheting into the broadcast booth before striking Sterling just above his glasses. In the video, you can see him track the pop up off the bat, then kind of look away as it approaches.

In hindsight, that was a bad idea.

Unsuspectingly, he takes a shot to the dome, but somehow brushes it off and continues his call. A true professional.

“It really hit me, I didn’t know it was coming back that far,” Sterling said. Turner would ground out to end the game on the next pitch.

After calling the win, he continued on about the foul ball. “You know that foul ball actually hit me. It kind of glanced off my forehead. I took one for the team.”

While John Sterling called it just “a glancing blow,” it certainly appeared to hit him square. In the end, the broadcaster was okay, and the Yankees left with a rivalry win.

The post Yankees Announcer Drilled By Foul Ball In The Dome, Takes It Like A Champ And Calls The Final Out (Video) appeared first on BroBible.


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