Standing 6’1″ and tipping the scales at 235 pounds, there’s really not much someone could give me to take a hit from NFL linebacker A.J. Hawk of the Cincinnati Bengals.
A former Pro Bowler and Super Bowl champ, Hawk is a fucking monster out on the gridiron, crushing opposing players at will without any regard to the repercussions.
Hell, the dude is literally paid to knock people out.That’s why my mind is absolutely boggled as to why some random bro would openly volunteer to get drilled by Hawk during this year’s Celeb-Am leading up to this weekend’s American Century Championship—for the second-straight year.
After Hawk obliged and knocked the fan silly at last year’s event, the ‘backer laid a little bit more wood earlier today, absolutely de-cleating the fuck out of the dude who thought that he could handle getting knocked into next week again.
Hopefully one of the fan’s buddies had a few cold beers waiting to help him forget about the whole thing, as well as to use on any bruises he may have gotten. Good lord!