Though technically a songs by The Chainsmokers, it’s impossible to deny that Halsey had the hook of the year in the 2016 smash hit, “Closer.” Her presence dominated the earworm, giving The Chainsmokers a uniquely badass female voice on a record about millennial Peter Pan syndrome.
Specifically, the kind of millennials that hang out around Boulder, Colorado with enough money in the bank account to drive Range Rovers.
As you’ll recall:
So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your Rover
That I know you can’t afford
Bite that tattoo on your shoulder
Pull the sheets right off the corner
Of the mattress that you stole
From your roommate back in Boulder
We ain’t ever getting older
“Closer” was pop music lightning-in-a-bottle, propelling the Chainsmokers to mega-stardom. It earned all the trophies for commercial music industry success, breaking all kinds of records. It charted for months, with the same commercial staying power, according to Billboard, as Leanne Rimes’ “How To I Live” in 1997-98. The only two groups to have long runs on the Billboard charts were The Beatles in 1964 (before they took the acid) and the Bee Gees in 1978.
Those are bonkers statistics and it’s a rocketship that Halsey definitely helped to build.
Interestingly enough, Halsey revealed on John Mayer’s Sunday night talk show, Current Mood, that she didn’t walk away with the keys to a ‘Rover from the song, despite making the song the song. Alex Pall and Andrew Taggart – allegedly – did.
While poking fun at each other for cheesy songs, Hasley provided a pretty interesting insight: “Dude, I sang about stealing a mattress from my roommate, I can’t talk about what you’re talking about at all…”
Mayer: “You dropped Range Rover…”
Halsey: “That wasn’t by choice…”
Mayer: “Why? Did you have an overall deal with them?”
Halsey: “No, but I will tell you that The Chainsmokers got Range Rovers and I didn’t…”
This resulted in Mayer bluntly addressing Range Rover, as she most certainly deserves one for that hook.
“Do you know how many Range Rovers that song sold?”
You can watch that below. Stick around for the sweet guitar tone at the end.
In the meantime… Team #GetHasleyARangeRover
Tune into John Mayer’s Current Mood on Sunday nights on Instagram, whenever he feels like it.