Shia LeBeouf has been a staple of debauchery on this site for quite some time now. We all got a kick out of him sporting a haircut that looked like he was wearing a dead animal on his head. We all felt a little more American when LaBeouf shouted his patriotism to anyone who would listen when visiting Mt.
Rushmore. And of course the video of him being arrested for being a hammered assbag in the streets of Austin, Texas provided some top notch content.Shia continues giving the people what they crave in his new book titled Prison Ramen, when he details the five times he’s been arrested in his life. Shia has a love-hate relationship with the slammer as he claims it “sucks ass” but has helped with his creativity.
The below are excerpts taken from his book regarding his incarceration, courtesy of E! Online:
“I have been incarcerated five times. The first time I was only nine years old. It was in Pacoima, California. I was arrested for stealing a pair of Nike Cortezes from a local shop and held for six hours.”
“The second time I was eleven, in the city of Tujunga, California. I was arrested for stealing a Gameboy Pokémon from Kmart. That time, too, I was in a substation for about six hours.”
“The third time I was twenty, in Van Nuys, California. I tried to stab my neighbor and spent two days in jail. While I was there, I at least understood that being in jail is not the move,” he admits. “It sucks ass.”
“The fourth time I was in Chicago and I wouldn’t leave Walgreen’s, so I was taken to spend the night in jail. For some reason, I had the best sleep ever,” he writes.
“The most recent time was 2014, when I was twenty-eight and in New York City. I went to see the play Cabaret. I didn’t behave very well during the performance and ended up spending twenty-five hours or so behind bars…”
Sleeping in Walgreens: CLASSIC LaBeouf.
Shia, what ever happened to good, clean fun?
[h/t E! Online]