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Pat McAfee Pays Jets QB Aaron Rodgers Millions For Interviews

Aaron Rodgers Pat McAfee
Aaron Rodgers Pat McAfee

The ‘Pat McAfee Show’ turned into a big part of sports media over the years, with Pat McAfee’s the driving force behind the success. Pat, a former All-Pro punter has an edge when connecting with sports’ biggest stars.

One of the show’s highlights is having Aaron Rodgers‘ coming for weekly interviews.

Turns out those interviews come with a hefty price, according to New York Post’s Andrew Marchand.

McAfee is paying out millions to have Aaron Rodgers as a recurring guest for his show, with Rodgers reportedly earning over seven figures annually for the weekly appearances.

While McAfee confirmed that Rodgers is paid for his appearances, he didn’t disclose the exact annual amount. However, he did note, “Aaron has made over $1,000,000 with us, for sure.

Aaron Rodgers has played a pivotal role in Pat McAfee’s ascent in the media world. From on-air suspense about his playing decisions to flirtations with other teams, and his candid moments. Rodgers has brought a lot to the show.

In McAfee’s words, “My company went from a valuation of [$2 million to $5 million] to a company valued over $500,000,000 in just a few years. Everybody who helped us get to this point has reaped the benefits of it, that’s how business is supposed to work. To be transparent, Aaron deserves much more than what he’s gotten for the time and effort he has put into ‘Aaron Rodgers’ Tuesdays.'”

Pat McAfee has changed how we view media now, and he’s here to stay because he’s making savvy moves like that one.

The post Pat McAfee Pays Jets QB Aaron Rodgers Millions For Interviews appeared first on BroBible.


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