From Bridge Over the River Quoi to Chuck Norris’ Missing In Action, Top Gun, CBS’s new Navy SEALs series and everything in between – entertainment companies often glorify war and those who fight them because Americans love watching a good fight (…and Tom Cruise’s ripped abs).
But the reality is defending American freedoms is often not so glorious, demanding tremendous sacrifice, discipline and a remarkable level of mental toughness and courage.
As much as we all love a good Marvel Comics film, our military – and in particular, those serving in the U.S. special forces such as the Navy SEALs, Delta Force and the Army Rangers who are handed our nation’s most challenging military tasks – they are as close to real-life heroes as it comes.Most of them do not seek glory, but instead simply pursue a lifetime of service to a country they hold more or less above all else.
“I would much rather have the seven men we lost that day back than receive this honor.”
Those were the words of Retired Navy SEAL Britt Slabinksi just prior to receiving the Medal of Honor from President Donald Trump on May 24 at the White House.