There was a frightening moment during this afternoon’s Phillies-Blue Jays doubleheader Thursday when Phillies’ reliever Jose Alvarez took a 105 mph line drive to the groin.
— Shaun Nestor (@shaun_nestor) August 20, 2020
— Bob Wankel (@BobWankelCB) August 20, 2020
Alvarez was somehow able to make the play on first before collapsing on the field and get carted off.
— Harry Scull Jr (@hsjrphoto) August 20, 2020
— Mike Harrington (@ByMHarrington) August 20, 2020
Alvarez has been one of the best relievers in baseball and it would be a huge blow for the Phillies if he’s out for an extended period of time.
— Tim Kelly (@TimKellySports) August 20, 2020