Much like many major college football programs, the University of Texas is looking to upgrade their stadium in order to compete in today’s high-dollar world of collegiate sports.
As such, Texas has decided to give Darrell K Royal-Texas Memorial Stadium a little facelift by adding what is being called the “Longhorn Patio” in the south end zone portion of the facility.
It’s called the “Longhorn Patio” because it is being made in the shape of the iconic hook ’em horns logo the university and its fans hold so dear.
Unfortunately… while it does look like good ole Bevo, there is one small problem: by leaving the bottom of the logo open they have in reality created what appears to be a uterus.
— Brian Davis (@BDavisAAS) November 14, 2019
The addition will include new suites, clubs, loge boxes, sponsor amenities, new fan seating, an upgraded video scoreboard, and new coaches’ offices.
— Front Office Sports (@frntofficesport) November 15, 2019
Yep. That’s the female reproductive system alright.
In news that should surprise no one who has ever been on the internet, people on social media took notice… and proceeeded to make many, many jokes.
@BDavisAAS A giant uterus?
Props to Texas for a touching tribute to the female reproductive system... the UTerus…
please join in another round of everybody’s favorite bootleg Texas merch game, “Bevo or Cervix”…
@SarahKezele *news caster voice* In addition to this new Longhorn patio, the team announced they will only one home……
@jlhtheone @BDavisAAS It's the Red River Rivalry, alright.
i assume the Longhorn Patio is some kind of euphemism with which i am unfamiliar…
"Longhorn patio" is gonna become another slang term if they actually build it to this design…
@BDavisAAS Will the first string be running out of this tunnel?
Fallopian tubes really accent the uterus.…
This isn’t new. Saw this months ago on the wall at my wife’s first ultrasound appointment.…
@DfrankDlf @BDavisAAS Can't get uterus without UT.
If the University of Texas insists on keeping the “Longhorn Patio” in its current design there is NO WAY that students will not be calling it “The UTerus.” In fact, there are probably already t-shirts being printed as we speak. God, I miss college.
— Drew Parsons (@Drew_3DP) November 14, 2019
— Burnt Orange Nation (@BON_SBNation) November 15, 2019