Astronauts Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley had a special guest during their historic flight to space.
During Saturday’s NASA/Space X launch many noticed a stuffed dinosaur plushy hanging out inside the cockpit alongside Bob and Doug.
— Alec Sears (@alec_sears) May 30, 2020
— Brent Lohaus (@BrentLohaus) May 27, 2020
— Benonwine (@benonwine) May 30, 2020
— Laura Geggel (@LauraGeggel) May 30, 2020
Toys have always flown alongside astronauts and are used as “zero-g indicators” during flights.
When the toy starts floating, it’s a sign that they’ve reached zero-g and are experiencing weightlessness.The toy was Bob and Doug had onboard their flight has been identified as a TY Flippables Tremor Dinosaur.
If so, it’s a retired plushie that is no longer manufactured, so you can only acquire it on the resale market.
— Mika McKinnon (@mikamckinnon) May 27, 2020
— Mikey (@mikeydul) May 30, 2020