There is no better feeling than a day on the green. Whether with friends or alone, nine holes or eighteen, hitting the links is among the best ways someone can choose to spend their leisure time. Unfortunately, we all can’t make it out there every day. Worldly clamors get in the way—work, family, thunderstorms, and, ya know, pandemics can keep golfers off the course.
However, technology is finally catching up to be able to provide an authentic, life-like golf simulation.The PhiGolf: Mobile & Home Smart Golf Simulator With Swing Stick is a must-have for any golfing enthusiast with a busy schedule. The device is intuitive to use, easy to set up, and provides a real golf feel from the comfort of your home or office. Best of all, you can use promo code GOLF10 at checkout for $59 off your purchase.
Available for under $200 when using the promo code ‘GOLF10’
The PhiGolf Smart Golf Simulator setup is simple and convenient. The swing stick and sensor are easy to store at home, work, or leave in the trunk of your car to use at both. The state-of-the-art sensor captures a true stroke without having to use an elaborate and bulky net and ball setup. Everything needed to play fits in your hand and smartphone, which you can then mirror to your TV.
Users love the PhiGolf Smart Golf Simulator for its true-to-drive feel: “I must give props to Phigolf for their design of the swing stick and sensor. The swing stick has a great look and a fairly decent grip. The best part is the feedback you get with a double click on where the contact takes place and when you stop your swing.”
Available for under $200 when using the promo code ‘GOLF10’
Whether it’s the weather or your endless series of Zoom meetings keeping you from getting to the course, you can now sink some holes at your convenience with the PhiGolf Smart Golf Simulator, available for a limited time for under $200 when you use promo code GOLF10.
Available for under $200 when using the promo code ‘GOLF10’
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