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Friend Of Titanic Sub Owner Accuses Him Of Creating A ‘Mousetrap For Billionaires’ In Wild Interview

60 Minutes Australia interview on Oceangate Titanic sub explosion
60 Minutes Australia interview on Oceangate Titanic sub explosion

The world has largely moved on from the OceanGate sub implosion last month despite that story captivating millions for days.

Now, an interview in 60 Minutes Australia has sought to add some closure to what happened by connecting the dots on what led to the tragic loss of five lives.

One particular clip from the interview featuring a former friend of the OceanGate vessel’s owner has gone viral. He accuses the owner of creating a ‘mousetrap for billionaires’ and questions when the last time someone killed two billionaires at once was, while they were getting paid to do it.

Guillermo Söhnlein, co-founder of OceanGate Expeditions, also appeared in the 60 Minutes Australia segment. He probably wishes this segment went better for him:

The whole 60 Minutes Australia segment runs just 17 minutes. There is no shortage of moments like the ones above.

Of course, none of this is meant to minimize the loss of life. Interviews like these are important to shed light on how safety precautions were flouted that could have prevented tragic loss of life. Had the advice of safety experts been heeded, those five families wouldn’t be reeling from loss right now.

The post Friend Of Titanic Sub Owner Accuses Him Of Creating A ‘Mousetrap For Billionaires’ In Wild Interview appeared first on BroBible.


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