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Some football fans may primarily know Channing Crowder as the linebacker who played six seasons with the Miami Dolphins before retiring from the NFL in 2011, but I feel like most people would describe him as “that former football player who says a bunch of weird stuff.”
Crowder—who has occasionally popped up alongside his wife Aja on the VH1 series Baller Wives—has repeatedly raised some eyebrows based on the very candid comments he routinely makes as the co-host of The Pivot podcast. That includes the time he caused Kevin Hart’s brain to break after admitting he routinely goes to nudist colonies and when he contributed to the Normalize Guys Complimenting Dudes Movement by (understandably) fawning over Saquan Barkley’s legs.
Now, he’s returned with a vengeance thanks to a comment he made during an appearance on another podcast.
Channing Crowder admits to routinely talking to other guys while using the urinal in a public bathroom
Crowder recently sat down with Jay Hill for a wide-ranging interview where he admitted to committing a major faux pas.
Anyone who’s ever used a men’s bathroom in public knows there are a couple of cardinal rules that you follow: you never stand directly next to someone at a urinal when other options are available, and you never start a conversation with a total stranger while the two of you are taking care of your business (which shows major disregard to the upwards of 25% of people who suffer from paruresis—a.k.a a “shy bladder”).
However, it would appear Crowder does not subscribe to that mentality.
Channing Crowder outta pocket bruh like there just ain’t no way
— Shannonnn sharpes burner (@shannonsharpeee)
Here’s what he had to say:
“I talk to a n—a in the bathroom. I do it all the time…
I don’t want to look at your s—t. But just to look at a man next to me and be like ‘Bro, how you doing? You OK?’ I want to see what you’re about. I just want to see what you’re about.
If you can have a conversation with me holding your d—k and I’m holding my d—k and we can look at each other in the eyes and talk, that means that you’re an alpha male. That means you’re a lion.
When was the last time you saw four of five male lions sitting around in the same area? It doesn’t happen because they have territories. The thing that makes this s—t run is you have an alpha male—you have a lion that can sit and talk to another lion and just be comfortable with it.”
It’s worth noting this may not even be Crowder’s strangest urine-related admission: in 2013, he said he peed his pants during “every game” he played with the Dolphins.
The post Channing Crowder Says He Loves Breaking The Golden Rule Of Using A Public Bathroom appeared first on BroBible.