Have you ever eaten expired food? Or drank expired milk? I’ve been unfortunate enough to drink expired milk on two occasions and I can feel the vomit rising in the back of my throat just thinking about it.
The thought of ingesting old ass food should skeeve anyone out, but this is *water* that we’re talking about.
Completely sealed, U.S. government provided, emergency ration water. The dude who runs the ‘Crazy Russian Hacker‘ YouTube got his hands on a can of US Military emergency water that’s been sealed inside of a can for 60 long years. SIXTY YEARS. He goes about testing the water before tasting it so that he can make sure it’s actually safe for him to drink, which I respect because I’m not trying to see some dude die of food poisoning on YouTube:This dude definitely went about this in the only acceptable way, by methodically testing the water for any dangerous particles before tasting it. On the one hand, I tell myself that I’d never try this unless I tested it exactly like he did but on the other hand I’d willingly drink a 100-year-old bottle of wine right now if you showed up on my doorstep and I wouldn’t think twice about it. I guess the difference there is glass bottle versus being stored in a can.