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We Asked Terrell Owens About His Favorite Celebrations And Why The Hell He Danced On The Cowboys’ Star

If there’s one person in NFL history who defines the word bold, it’s former wide receiver Terrell Owens, who, after playing 15 seasons and scoring 153 touchdowns, proved that he was one of a kind with his outrageous—and historic—celebrations.

Knowing this, Butterfinger asked T.O. to take part in its Bolder Than Bold campaign, which saw the future Hall of Famer take to the streets with comedian Billy Eichner to have fans show off their favorite touchdown dances.

Hoping to bring back the art of the bold celebration, Butterfinger announced that it will cover up to $50,000 in excessive celebration fines charged against NFL players through Super Bowl 50—so who better than Owens to help inspire some moves?

I got to sit down with T.O. to talk shop, getting the details about some of his most famous celebrations, as well as who he thinks is the best in the league right now at showing their bold skills once they cross the goal line—among other dope stories.


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