Fall is the ideal time for tossing on some flannel, lacing up some boots, grabbing your tent and fishing gear, and hitting the backwoods. Now all you need is your everyday carry gear to make sure you can survive out there in the wilderness for a weekend getaway.
That’s where the convenient services of Monthly Knife Club comes in handy, with a subscription delivering the most badass equipment for you and your buddies to conquer the great outdoors with, all at the fraction of the cost of other places out there.
Plus, by using the code BRO1010, you get an additional 10% off your order. Schwing!Whether you’re a regular outdoorsman or just hoping to upgrade your everyday carry game, Monthly Knife Club has what you need. Plus, it’s easy as hell to sign-up, so take a look at what you need to get started.
You need to be over the age of 18 to subscribe. Sorry, that’s the first rule. For those who are of age, here’s how a Monthly Knife Club subscription works.
Step 1: Select your knife plan, which come in four options: the standard subscription, the name brand subscription, the fixed blade subscription and the ONYX Knife subscription.
Step 2: Monthly Knife Club then ships new knives and tactical gear to you every month, with orders being shipped out between the 15th and 25th every month.
Just like that, you’ve got everything you need. From a pocket knife for everyday use, to tactical gear for camping, fishing or hunting, you’ll have the best stuff at your disposal — and you won’t be dropping a fortune on it all either.
For those guys who might be noncommittal to subscription services, have no worries, because Monthly Knife Club also has individual gear available in its online shop, so you can pick out as much or as little as you need to survive the fall season. We have a hunch that you’ll want to stock up, though, because there’s a ton of goodies to choose from.
So if you’re on the hunt for the best knives and tactical gear out there, make sure your first choice is Monthly Knife Club, because nothing’s easier than this when it comes to making your everyday carry gear top-notch.