Bill Paxton starred in more of my favorite movies from childhood than any other actor I can think of. I didn’t really realize this was the case until I went back through his IMDB page over the weekend and started reading through all of his incredible roles. I’ll never force myself to choose a favorite Bill Paxton film but if I had to narrow it down to my Top 3 then Tombstone would undoubtedly be in the mix.
During last night’s show, as he often does when a well known and beloved celebrity passes away, Conan O’Brien took a few minutes to remember that person. Instead lieu of a movie clips montage, Conan told a really heartfelt story about Bill Paxton as a man. Bill had a reputation for being one of the nicest human beings around.
Everyone who ever met him had nothing but effusively nice things to say about Bill, and Conan shared a story of when he experienced this firsthand.Conan was at a play with one of the employees on his show and Bill Paxton was in the audience. The employee of Conan’s was a HUUUUGE fan of Tombstone, as we all are, and Conan relayed this message to Bill. Without telling Conan what he was up to, Bill Paxton then walked over to the employee and began whispering in his ear. He recited every one of his lines from the movie Tombstone for a complete stranger all because someone told Bill that the stranger was a massive fan of the movie.
Now, let us all remember that he was the only man to ever be killed by a Terminator, Predator, and Aliens:
The world didn’t just lose a great actor when Bill Paxton passed away over the weekend due to surgery complications, the world also lost an incredibly great person.