Bill Murray can be one of the most generous fun, fan-friendly celebrities on the planet when he wants to be… key words: wants to be.
For instance, last year when the Cubs were in the World Series, Murray gave a random fan the ticket to the seat right next to him. He’s also done a little bartending, helped clean up after a Grateful Dead show, drove a guy’s taxi and crashed a birthday party where he danced to “Turn Down For What.
”On the flip side, we’ve seen Murray be kind of a dick like the time he threw a fan’s phone off of a roof and walked out of an interview at the Pebble Beach Pro-Am.
The other day we got a glimpse of both Bill Murrays as he was hanging out in D.C. on Sunday signing autographs for fans on the condition that they donate $20 to Puerto Rico’s hurricane relief efforts. That’s the “good” Bill Murray.
However, if you try to get an autograph from him for say, a $3 donation to help with the effort, well, Bill Murray has no time for your cheap, lowballing ass…