Everyone’s favorite fly in the ointment, monkey in the wretch, pain in the ass wisecracking, German terrorist-disrupting cop is coming back! That’s right, Bruce Willis is returning as John McClane in a new “Die Hard” movie. Willis reprises his role as John McClane in the upcoming “Die Hard” film that will be “part-prequel, part-sequel.
” Welcome to the party, pal!The new film, which is expected to be titled “Die Hard: Year One,” is a parallel story featuring Willis as John McClane in the present day, and a younger actor playing John McClane during his younger years as a New York cop in the 1980s. Double the John McClane. The movie was revealed back in 2015, but this is the first big news since the announcement. On Tuesday, director Len Wiseman of “Underworld” fame and who directed 2007’s “Live Free or Die Hard” confirmed that Bruce Willis is now officially on board. “The right casting for this role is crucial,” Wiseman told Deadline. “Those bare feet have some very big shoes to fill.” Who will fill those big shoes of a young McClaine is still being decided and casting is currently underway.
Willis last played McClane in 2013’s “A Good Day to Die Hard,” which was not well-received by critics but made over $304,000,000 at the worldwide box office. Yippee ki-yay motherfuckers!!!