Let this story about porn star Molly Cavalli, who was doing an underwater photo shoot while wearing a thong bathing suit, be a lesson to all of you.
Once again, sharks are not to be trifled with, I don’t care how badly you want to get that perfect photo.
Especially when you are in a cage that, for some reason, has bars with gaps big enough FOR THE SHARK TO BITE YOU!
As you will see in the video, this lemon shark was like, “cool, dinner,” and proceeded to take a nice chunk out of Cavalli’s ankle turning the water red while she screamed and quickly exited the cage.
So, uh, why was she even down there in the first place? Well…
In Camsoda’s first live underwater broadcast attempt, Molly Cavalli jumped into a shark cage off the coast of Florida.
The underwater broadcast had to be cut short when Molly’s foot stuck out of the cage and was bitten by a lemon shark. Don’t worry though, Molly is doing just fine. She had to get 20 stitches but she is in good spirits and grateful for her quick recovery.
First pioneered with POV guy, Camsoda has been working on a mobile hardware solution that allows models to broadcast from anywhere in the world. The custom built hardware was recently upgraded to support go-pro cameras and underwater live feeds.
A+ work with the camera, but a hard F on the cage, folks.