How many times in your life, both as a kid and as an adult, have you attended some school, church or other function and there was a table set up with cups and cups of that sweet, syrupy orange drink from McDonald’s?
My guess is that for most of you it was a lot.
Well, fuck you and your memories, says Mickey D’s because they’re taking an axe to that shit.
That’s right, beginning on May 1st, McDonald’s will begin discontinuing their classic Hi-C Orange Lavaburst drink and will be replacing it with Sprite TropicBerry, whatever the blue hell that is.
(and yes, the ice cream machines still don't work)
— Joel Franco (@OfficialJoelF) April 28, 2017
According to WGN…
The fast-food chain will begin phasing out the beverage on May 1, according to a memo posted this week on Reddit. A representative for McDonald’s told Eat This, Not That that all locations will stop carrying the drink after July.
According to the memo, the chain is introducing a new “proprietary” beverage called Sprite TropicBerry that will be served exclusively at McDonald’s locations. It’s part of the company’s partnership with Coca-Cola.
McDonald’s website touts Hi-C Orange Lavaburst as “packed with crisp citrus flavor,” but customers won’t be able to enjoy it for much longer. You may still have time to order the drink because McDonald’s locations are advised to keep selling it until their current supply is gone.