If you are racking up bills attending college for a useless major or struggling financially at your job, you don’t want to know how much YouTubers make because it will make you want to quit school or your job to become a full-time social media personality. One of the biggest YouTubers going right now is David Dobrik, and Logan Paul claims that the ultra-successful vlogger could be making $40,000 per video.
Logan Paul’s YouTube channel has nearly 20 million subscribers and racked up 4,719,356,127 views since August 28, 2015. On his YouTube talk show Impaulsive, which has nearly 1.8 million subscribers and has over 125,000,000 views since October 22, 2018, Logan Paul discussed how much of a vlogging beast that David Dobrik is.
After joining YouTube on December 19, 2014, Dobrik’s channel has enjoyed 6,059,763,050 views and boasts over 14.3 million subscribers.
Logan said Dobrik’s YouTube videos are “popping off like an average of 10 million views per vlog, which I think makes him the most successful vlogger in history. That is insane.” Logan added that in his best days, he was averaging 8 million per video.
“I don’t think he’s in Google Preferred, but if he was, that could potentially be $20,000 to $40,000 per video,” Logan said of Dobrik. Google Preferred is the Alphabet’s ad-selling program that sells YouTube’s top 5% of channels and the most popular channels among users between the ages of 18 and 34. Google Preferred is reserved for content creators that are family-friendly and safe bets for advertisers for clicks and less likely to embarrass the brand. It is likely that Dobrik’s sometimes risky and sexual content would make his channel not eligible to be part of Google Preferred.
“My guess is, per video, that he’s making between $5,000 and $20,000 per video, just in ad revenue,” Paul told his co-host Mike Majlak. That’s just ad revenue, so that doesn’t include all of the sponsorships such as ticket-selling website SeatGeek and the merch he sells off of his viral videos. Dobrik makes an average of six videos per month, so he is making a hefty amount of money.
Logan, who is currently training for a boxing rematch with KSI, said there is “no beef” between him and David. “We spoke to him at a party, it’s all good. I love the kid, I always have,” Logan stated.
Logan talks about Dobrik’s insane YouTube prosperity at the 1:20-mark.
Last June, Logan did have beef because Dobrik made a joke about Paul. Logan alleges that Dobrik made a joke about his regrettable “suicide forest” video. On December 31, 2017, Logan uploaded a video to his YouTube showing the corpse of a recently deceased man who hung himself in an area called Aokigahara and known as the “Sea of Trees” in Japan. The area at the base of Mount Fuji is known as the “suicide forest” because of the high frequency of which people commit suicide there.
Logan apologized, but it was not enough as he lost several gigs and sponsors. He donated $1 million to suicide prevention programs, including the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.
You can see Logan calling out Dobrik from June at the 13:10-mark.
Logan Paul has been one of the top vloggers for years now despite only being 24-years-old. Logan Paul’s net worth in 2019 is said to be $19 million. The 23-year-old David Dobrik has a net worth of $7 million in 2019, thanks to becoming the king of YouTubers right now.
Dobrik starred in Logan’s movie Airplane Mode along with other social media influencers including Chloe Bridges, Amanda Cerny, King Bach, Nick Bateman, Casey Neistat, and Brittany Furlan.