One thrift shop upped their sales with a simple marketing strategy that can be described in two words: “Jeff Goldblum.” The thrift shop placed wonderful photos of Jeff Goldblum in every single picture frame at their store. The result was that they’ve become a viral sensation. This is just as remarkable as the giant shirtless statue of Goldblum in London.
Twitter user @Simonreah was in a thrift shop last week when he discovered that every single picture frame had Goldbum’s glorious face in them. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.
— SimonR (@Simonreah) September 1, 2018
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Besides being an incredible actor and an accomplished jazz pianist, Jeff Goldblum is also a fantastic picture frame salesman. Because every picture frame had been Goldblummed and that they were only $3, Reah purchased 37 of them on an impulse buy. And who could blame him?
— SimonR (@Simonreah) September 2, 2018
Many agreed that Jeff Goldblum photos were the perfect sales pitch.
— NOL’imits (@noliebean) September 2, 2018
To be honest, do you really need or want photos of your boring-ass family when you can have resplendent photos of Jeff Goldblum improving your living areas?
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It turns out that an office restroom somewhere also has tens of Jeff Goldblum photos gracing it.
(That’s our office restroom. It started with one and somehow got out of hand …)
— Johnny Haeusler (@spreeblick) September 3, 2018
Life, uh, finds a way.
Apparently, thrift shops don’t just sell trash anymore. Earlier this week someone donated FIVE pounds of weed to a thrift shop. Read about it HERE.
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