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Nina Dobrev Going Down A Giant Slip-N-Slide In A Teeny Bikini Is A+ Entertainment

Nina Dobrev is one of my favorite actresses. No, it has nothing to do with her ability to act. Heck, I am not even sure I have actually seen her do any acting.

I didn’t watch The Vampire Diaries and I don’t really know what else she’s done. Though now that I think about it I did see her in one scene for The Vampire Diaries that I found especially good.

Honestly, aside from her being drop dead gorgeous, the reason she’s one of my favorites is because she seems like she’d be a kickass girlfriend.

She’s kind of a goofball, she likes to have fun, she’s freaky flexible, and she likes to drink.

Now she’s acting like a goof on a slip-n-slide with some of her sexy friends (she has many of those – another reason she’d be a great girlfriend).

If only there was some way I could make her aware of the fact that I’d like to date her. I’ll get to work on that while you guys check out these pics and videos. I’ll let you know if I come up with anything.


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