We all agree that cheating on your significant other is despicable, but passing off your baby as his when you know the kid actually belongs to the random dude you banged a few months ago? Fucking satan-like.
Unfortunately for Redditor Notthedaddy43, he found out the hard way that his girlfriend was a lying sack of shit…but managed to pull of some grade A revenge as payback, leaving her homeless, broke, and unemployed:
The Backstory
I have some buddies at work that like to go out with their SO’s on double dates sometimes. I was invited on several occasions, but let them know I’m not currently dating.
So what do they do? They get me a date of course. It’s a co-worker of Buddies SO.. We’ll call her P.P Was a very shy quiet girl from a family that wasn’t to strict, or super religious. She seemed out of place at first, but looking back I think she fit in with the crowed more than she let on. I won’t give the SO’s or buddies labels , because they are not relevant for most the story, but they are important for how she and i met, and one or two other occasions. So us three couples went out.
We hit it off, and become fast friends drinking the night away and I end up kissing her and paying for a taxi to take her home.
The Scare
6 months later me and P are living together, she moved in with me, and we are great together. We don’t fight, and if we do it’s something silly that blows over seconds after it begins. One night after we had “done the deed” I looked down and noticed my condom broke. PANIC MODE ENGAGED
I start freaking out and tell here what happened, she immediately calms me down and says shes on BC. I get relieved, but then relief turns to surprise. She never mentioned this to me before, did she?
She passes it off as something she mentioned to me, but i was busy with Fallout New Vegas at the time ( yeah this was around when that game came out.) So i probably didn’t notice her say anything. Again looking back, this should have been a red flag. I chalked it up to extra precautions on her part and felt really good about my how well we worked together. She was being responsible for both our sake. BC along with condoms can only make things extra safe right? NOPE
She gets sick a week later complaining that she is always in the bathroom, and can’t hold food down… Yeah… you know where this is going. The P stand for pregnant. Now, I am usually a pretty calm guy, but man oh man was I flipping my shit (not at her mind you) I make pretty good money, enough for her to only work part time, and go to school. I don’t go to school, I worked (and still do but in a much higher position) in a trade career which i won’t name for anonymity sake. Babies change things though. That meant she would have to stop school, stay home for several months, and then full time job. I wasn’t worried about me, but her. I can manage, but she wanted to finish school and be stable enough so that if we ever decided to have kids it wouldn’t be in this kind of situation.
Well, she ends up getting an abortion, begs me not to tell her parents, who again are not super religious, but this is a big negative to them. It took months of her talking to them and me courting her to let us live together (she and I were both 21 at this time). So of course i wasn’t going to say anything, I was almost shocked at her decision. That’s right, her’s. I Hoped she would get one for her sake, and mine in all honesty…. But I would have stayed and raised that child with her through hard times because I loved her.
For about 4 months, we barely talked. I thought things were over. But then one night everything just magically went back to normal, I thought YES we are okay again. This was also a red flag, but in my excitement, I don’t think i realized it.
Now, having a big scare like that, and knowing she was on BC led me to the decision some of you may or may not cringe at. Vasectomy I had one. now, i went in for the consult with my primary care doctor and was referred to where I had it done. A week of ice and paid vacation. Now, I know what you are thinking, and i saved some juice for later just in case. And although I should have, i didn’t tell P. Now, i know that your thinking WTF??? but honestly? She was on break at the time visiting family. I wanted to wait and let her know when she got home and not discuss it when her parents are around. Wasn’t sure how they would react if they overheard. I’m sure you can see how much her family opinion matters, and that will come up later too. I was back at work on light duty and business picked up fast. I had no time to even text, or call her letting her know i needed to talk to her about something important. By the time she got home we both got so busy that I didn’t even mention it. This may seem odd since it’s a major game changer for a relationship, but i was also a young man who’s life was(and still is mostly) full of constant go go go work work work. Shit just vanishes to the cold storage sometimes.
The Heartbreak
Fast forward 2 1/2 years. I was promoted a few times. Was high off life, loved my SO, and we were thinking about getting married when she finished school. By this point our relationship had progressed enough that we no longer used BC pills or condoms. Now, she said she got an IUD to prevent pregnancy. I thought that was odd at first, thinking about how i was snipped. Oh well, maybe she just wanted to be extra sure. Well, not so much.
About midway through August 2014 and she gets sick again. This time we have no idea what she could have. I rush her to the ER, and become that guy who took his SO to the Hospital, to find out she is pregnant. Now, the first thing most of you guys probably think I did was scream FUCK YOU or CHEATER. Nope. I acted just as surprised as she did, told her it’s fine, we can get through this and I’m with her 100%.
The Truth
Now state laws differ, and your results may vary. But here, unless the father signs a birth certificate himself in person. It doesn’t count. I made sure. Because the first thing i did after getting some time alone from her was see my companies attorney for a consult. He recommend me a good person to seek legal council in paternal matters.
A week and a half or so later i meet him and make sure if i have undeniable proof that i’m not the father, i would have no responsibility for the baby, or p according to our state laws. So I had my assurances. And as far as she knew, It was probably mine right? After all… We were not using any BC at all, None.
Turns out she had scheduled the appointment, had it put in, but was removed because of complications that caused pain and swelling. This i was not informed of. Now, normally i leave personal belongings alone. I trusted her, and did not want to be the overbearing SO that looks at your shit by “Accident” We both had our own phones, PC’s and tablets. So she didn’t suspect a thing when i searched through literally, no joke guys. HUNDREDS of emails of her back and fourth setting up dates, times… And Prices That’s right, she was fucking for cash, or so i thought. Turns out, she was actually fucking for free, and selling med’s that she stole from patients. The abortion she got was not the first. Oh, did i mention. She was in school to become an RN. She would sneak med’s anyway she could. She would take them from old people, young people, cancer patients. She was a sneaky fucker too, she hid all of this from me, and her teachers. As well as her parents. Her biggest supply was using people she had previously fucked/sold too. She would have them get hurt, or help them get hurt. And then get them proscribed pain pills.
The Revenge
I hope you stuck it out, and i hope this belongs here. For the entire time of her pregnancy, I said nothing. To her, her parents, her friends, her teachers. She was close to graduating, and close to being a mom. everything was so happy for her. everything was going great. Well, I got an apartment and paid rent for it secretly. The place we lived was in her parents name. Reason being at a moments notice they wanted to be able to kick me out for wronging their daughter this turned out to be an amazing blessing. Started “selling” my stuff to put into a fund for the baby, but was really moving it to my new place. She thought i was crazy when i “sold” my gaming rig, laptop, and xbox. I said… “it’s all for us baby”.
Now, this next part was risky, but i had no choice. I needed some help. I talked to the buddy who got me with her to begin with. They will be B and SO. B had left the company I worked for, so this would not negatively effect him in anyway. I needed more info on p’s part time job so that i could get back at her. SO was her boss, and she was exactly the same to them on the outside as she was to everyone else. To this day, I kinda admire her ninja ability, but it’s also why i have no regrets or guilt. I told them everything, showed them everything. B, and SO were shocked, sad, sorry for me, sorry for her. Then fucking furious with her. how dare she manipulate them like this. SO stated things go missing from the work place, cash drawers short, but p is always covered some kind of way. She had been framing people, and was just very careful and calculated in her plans. SO said she in all honesty never looked real hard at her either, her facade had everyone fooled. Well, lucky for me, SO said in p’s maternity leave, security cameras were replaced, and better quality. We made our plan then.
Incomes the week that she is due. She is wheeled into the hospital and stays for 3 nights before she births him. I have no problems with the child, as you will soon find out, but at the time he was a symbol of misplaced trust, and a broken heart. They have to take the baby away after a few minutes. He has Jaundice and although he seems fine want to make double sure. She reluctantly lets him go.
p “What should we name our son”
I tell you readers, I must have looked like the cat from Alice, I sure felt like i was.
“Our? You mean your?”
What color she had left drains. And she stammers to speak before I put my hand up and tell her…
“I got a snipped 6 months after we started dating. Her face almost seems to cave in. That confirms for me the baby is only your baby. Not ours, baby, but yours, and yours alone. ALONE
tears, nothing but tears. I told her that she was never to speak to me again, and walked out. I told the medical staff that under no circumstances was my name to be on that certificate. I was a concerned former boyfriend that she cheated on, and she was a junkie (lab reports on the cord blood unfortunately later showed this to be true, but the baby was fine :D) and that i was only here to make sure her baby was alright. I was not to be contacted, and if she says i’m her boyfriend don’t believe her. If i needed to prove that to them i would. I left, packed my shit, and left to my new apartment.
Pro Revenge
I know what your thinking, that was not really that harsh at all. I didn’t think so either.
I waited until she was back at home. I left my keys, and 400$ in an envelope at her place so that she had money when she was out, and also to bait her. I knew that she would either…
A. buy some more pills. B. Try and sell her busted cooter C. Maybe just maybe get her shit together and fix herself? D.Cry To mommy, work, and school.
I’ll take A, B, and D for 400$ Alex.
That’s right, she did all three. Now, I know at this point I’m okay on the work front. I’m also okay on the parent situation. The moment she was released her parents picked her up because i wasn’t there. she called them, complained, told them everything. I was going to be thrown out, but whats this? i’m not there. She was probably upset she didn’t get the joy of kicking me to the curb. Instead there was the envelope for her with 400$ and the keys. I don’t know what went through her head, but she was already back into her normal routine before long. She must have thought i skipped town completely. Calling work leads to a “not here” They were informed. Asking SO leads to “B hasn’t heard from him”. She thought she got off the hook, with one baby, and nothing else.
A while later she gets fired, security footage shows her manipulating drawers and framing other employees. She tells her parents it wasn’t her, they believe her. Next, her school gets a big package from an anonymous source letting them know she was recently fired for stealing, and drug use. Now, i am not sure how she got through school, and the hospital without the drugs in her system popping a red flag. I know they tested the cord blood from the baby, and i specifically stated she was a junkie. I never dug into it, probably should have. Her school has 0 tolerance policy against drug use. The package also contained the emails, as well as messages to and from buyers, sellers, and anyone else she did shady shit with. Did i mention, the hospital she worked at also got a package? And the police… Her parents disowned her, Fired, Expelled, and CPA was on her case.
To Wrap It Up
She lost everything, including the baby. He’s fine now though. His real dad was found. She basically went back and looked for anyone that could have possibly been the father at that point in time. Kinda impressive considering. The guy was 29, call him D. Had been divorced, and was lonely. I understand. He had a great house and income, so he was given custody after a paternity test.
Best part? The other couple we were with on the first date? She fucked that guy. That’s right. He actually still at my company too. I remember when he went through the divorce. I didn’t talk to him much, so i had no idea he banged her. It only took one time. She never told anyone she met for sex she was in a relationship. He had no idea we were dating. He didn’t talk with me enough, and i was in a different part of the workplace at that point.
So, in the end. She has no home, no friends, no job, no career, a rap sheet, and now her kid is with his dad and she gets 0 visiting.
I’m single, still hang out with her parents, SO, And D. Have my job, my apartment, and best of all?
I’m Not the baby daddy.
[Via Reddit]