Man, Kim Kardashian just can’t catch a break these days. First, former boxing champ Peter Quillen says Kim’s bikini booty is ruining our children…
And now, a cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Aardon Rollins, who has done work on numerous celebrity butts, just compared KimKSuperstar’s ass to a deflated balloon.
Speaking to The Daily Mail, Dr.
Rollins had this to say…Let Kim serve as a lesson to anyone who wants to make a body part bigger.
If they have cellulite there before the procedure, then it will be there afterwards, too. People need to think about that or it will look bad like Kim’s.
It’s very big, maybe too big.
Fat was taken from her waist and put into her bottom. But it’s transferring problem fat to another area. Problem fat is problem fat wherever it is. It grows in the same way as it would in the place it was taken from.
Kim has had two children, she has put on weight and then lost it, then gained it again and lost it again. It’s like blowing up a balloon and then letting the air out – there are ripples. No wonder it looks like that. She has everything going against her and there is nothing she can do about it – apart from get the airbrush out.