Crushing It! takes the principles and success stories of Gary Vaynerchuk’s first book, Crush It! (personal my favorite Gary Vaynerchuk book) and expands on applying them for success in today’s world.
Crushing It! is Gary’s 5th book, in which he breaks down every significant marketing platform so ANYONE will know exactly how to develop and grow their personal brand.
From day-to-day tactics to high level strategies, Crushing It! will be the absolute best guide to reaching professional and financial success.Of course, it’s not just about making money. As Gary says about Crushing It!: “…it’s not about getting rich. It’s a blueprint to living life on your own terms.”
Don’t believe me? Just check out these pre-release reviews from two famous and trustworthy bros:
“Gary is a masterful entrepreneur with a gift for communication that cuts through all the bullshit that can often hinder one’s success. We share the same simplistic business philosophy which is why we’ve become good friends: Be willing to put in the hard work. And always be grateful. Crushing It! is a must-have for all individuals who want to be the best at what they do.”
– Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson
“Gary is helping to calibrate the desires and expectations of a new generation searching for a way to break through the noise. He’s loud, he’s high energy—and he’s exactly right.”
– John Mayer
John Mayer and The Rock aren’t going to steer you wrong, so pre-order today: