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Samsung Obliterated Guy’s Dick Pic Joke With One Emoji

Your days of saying foolish things to companies on Twitter are over. Companies such as Wendy’s will unload on you if you get after them on Twitter. Samsung isn’t putting up with your shit on social media either.

Samsung rolled out their new Galaxy S8 last week and were promoting the new handset. The company asked owners of the new phone to share the first photo they took with their new phone.

Young Edward thought it would be a great idea to inform Samsung that his inaugural photograph on his new S8 was a dick pic. Samsung then destroyed him with one emoji.

— Edward (@savEdward) April 21, 2017

Edward was big enough to share his public beatdown by the South Korean electronics manufacturer on Twitter and it went crazy viral with over 56,000 RTs and more than 126,000 Likes.

That burn is hotter than a Note 7 battery.


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